Reality of Evil Eye
The evil eye is a terrible affliction that afflicts mankind; it is the most widespread affliction in the world. Most people of this nation (Muslims) will die from it after what Allah has decreed. The Prophet (saws) aid:
" Most of those who will die from my nation after what Allah has decreed will be from the evil eye. " (Fath al-haqq al Mubeen, As-Sahih, 747)
The evil eye is a reality and a truth that a person needs to seek cure and protection from. The Prophet (saws) said : " The evil is true (reality)...." (Sahih Muslim, 2188)
It is permissible in Islam to seek Ruqyah for it, as Annas(radiallahu anh) narrated that the Prophet (saws) Made it an ease to take Ruqyah for fever and the evil eye. (Sahih Muslim 2197)
The Evil Eye is from two sources:
the evil eye from mankind
the evil eye from Jinn
The evil eye from mankind is confirmed in many narrations, as Abu Sated (radiallahu anh) said the Prophet (saws) said to seek refuge from jinn's and the evil eye from mankind. (At-tirmidhi, 2058)
As for evil eye from jinn's, it has been narrated ny Umm Salamah (radiallahu anhaa) that the Prophet (saws) saw in her house a slave girl and in her face was sa faa'ah. upon which the Prophet (saws) aid: " Seek Ruqyah for her, for verily she is afflicted with a look (evil eye). " (Al-Bukhari, 5739)
The scholars have said "As-sa-faa'ah" is the evil eye from Jinn's.
The reason for the evil eye is mostly because of envy (envy is to wish for the prevention of bounty for another person, even though the envier doesn't wish for this bounty). The reality of envy is the result of hatred and malice, which is the result of anger. ( Fath Al-Haq Al-Mubeen, 219) The evil eye is like an arrow or spear that leaves the soul of the envier and goes to the person that is envied. It afflicts the person envied at times and sometimes it doesn't. When it doesn't afflict him, it is because of the protective methods he uses (whether supplications, seeking refuge, etc.) Also, when it doesn't. afflict him, the evil eye can return to the envier. ( The Medicine of the Prophet, 138)
What is an important fact to know is that the evil eye has no effect except by Allah's will. A man can give himself the evil eye and he can also give it to others. It can afflict someone without even being seen by the envier. For example, a blind man cannot see a person, but he can still cast the evil eye, or perhaps if the person is not around and they are described to the envier without being seen by him, it can afflict that person. It can also be afflicted by one being amazed at himself without being envious to himself or others. The evil eye can be done by anyone, even a loved one or a righteous person.
So, it is incumbent on each and every one of us to take the necessary precautions and try to prevent being affected by the evil eye, and to say the supplications and remembrance upon seeing something amazing and good. (Fath Al-Haq Al-Mubeen, 198)