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Signs and Symptoms-Black Magic

A person complaining of being unable to interact with their spouse

  • feeling extreme hatred towards their spouse

  • sexual problems such as incompletion of sexual intercourse

  • Someone may find it difficult to marry although there would be no obvious indication as to why they cannot.

  • Inability to reconcile a marriage (a person’s family may also be affected by magic in this scenario)

  • Finding objects which magic are used upon in the home or car like a Taweez (within which you find a talsam i.e. patterns).

  • Beads

  • Strange shaped stones

  • Unusual dust or powder such as flour scattered inside or outside the home

  • Pins and needles that are poked into the furniture or around the home

  • Holes that have been cut out of peoples garments

  • Clothes that have been missing and then found again

  • Finding clothes that have been stained with the likes of blood

  • Finding strange scary objects and smells in the bathroom

  • Symbols carved inside or outside the home

  • Seeing water or liquid sprinkled outside the home by the doorway or over the doorstep

  • Broken eggs on the doorstep

  • Cats that have been slaughtered

  • Nails that have been nailed into the door

  • Being extremely volatile

  • Always changing plans

  • Anger occurring for small things

  • Crying for no reason

  • Staying away from deen

  • No focus in prayer

  • Abandoning the Qur’an

  • Tendency towards sin

  • Eyes appearing as if has been taking drugs

  • Vomiting or feeling the want to vomit

  • Blood pouring out of the mouth without a medical reason

  • Continuous bleeding for women

  • Repeated miscarriage

  • Divorce and re-marrying between a husband and wife for no reason

  • Receiving threats from close family members such as them not getting married, or getting a job or threats that they will separate you from your children, husband/wife and then find those threats come to pass.

  • Going to a magician and drinking their water or inhaling their bukhoor

  • Constant headaches and feeling pain in the stomach

  • Wanting to vomit when going to the sea, when wind is blowing or walking by graves

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