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Similarities & Differences Between Magic,Evil Eye and Envy

Ayn is something that is passed on which comes out from the soul of a person and not from the eyes, as some people believe. A person can give Ayn to himself/ herself, they can afflict those whom they dislike or even those whom they love. Unlike sihr, ayn is something that cannot be learnt or sought after rather ayn is something that people already have within themselves and its strength varies depending on different people.


Hasad is a drive that a person has which comes from within the soul by which they envy and hate someone who has been given a blessing from Allah (SWT). They desire that the blessing be removed from such a person and desire it for themselves. The results of such a disease often lead a person to speaking or acting in a malicious way. The similarities between ayn and hasad is that both can cause harm and afflict others without necessarily seeing the individual but simply upon hearing about them. However unlike ayn, you cannot afflict your self with hasad. Hasad is also something that can be controlled and a person can control it by suppressing it and sincerely asking Allah (SWT) to remove it from them.


One of the differences between sihr and ayn/hasad is that sihr is a type of knowledge that can be taught and learnt. Therefore in order to cause harm to an individual through sihr you must obtain this knowledge or go to somebody who has learnt this knowledge. Whereas with hasad, a person simply needs to have envy and hate towards an individual to harm them. Hence, sihr and hasad are separated by actions but are similar in the sense that both are evil in nature and both require intentions to cause harm. Whilst ayn requires no intention from the person because the person giving ayn doesn’t even realise that they are giving it.

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